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How to use a Yoga Eye Pillow as a Meditation Aid

How to use a Yoga Eye Pillow as a Meditation Aid

Posted by Nataly Komova, fitness and nutritionist expert on May 08, 2023

Yoga eye pillows are an excellent tool for anyone looking to enhance their meditation practice. These pillows can be used during yoga or meditation to help reduce distractions and promote relaxation. They are typically filled with materials such as flaxseed, lavender, or other herbs, which can provide aromatherapy benefits as well. If you are interested in incorporating a yoga eye pillow into your meditation routine, this guide will provide you with everything you need to know.

cottage core yoga eye pillow with washable cover

What is a Yoga Eye Pillow?

A yoga eye pillow is a small cushion that is designed to be placed over the eyes during yoga or meditation. The pillow is typically filled with materials such as flaxseed or rice, which provide a gentle pressure that can help to relax the eyes and promote a sense of calm. Many yoga eye pillows also include herbs such as lavender, chamomile, or peppermint, which can provide additional aromatherapy benefits.

How to Use a Yoga Eye Pillow

Using a yoga eye pillow is very simple. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Choose a Comfortable Position

Start by finding a comfortable position for meditation. This may be sitting cross-legged on the floor, sitting in a chair, or lying down. Whatever position you choose, make sure you are comfortable and that your body is relaxed.

Step 2: Place the Pillow over Your Eyes

Once you are in a comfortable position, place the yoga eye pillow over your eyes. The pillow should be positioned so that it covers your eyes completely. If the pillow is scented, take a few deep breaths to inhale the aroma.

Step 3: Relax and Breathe

Once the pillow is in place, take a few deep breaths and allow yourself to relax. Focus on your breathing, and let any thoughts or distractions drift away. Allow yourself to sink deeper into a state of relaxation.

Step 4: Remove the Pillow

When you are ready to end your meditation, remove the pillow from your eyes. Take a few moments to reorient yourself, and then slowly open your eyes.

Benefits of Using a Yoga Eye Pillow

chevron eye pillow

Using a yoga eye pillow can provide a number of benefits for both your mind and body. Here are a few of the most significant benefits:

Reduces Eye Strain

Many of us spend a significant amount of time staring at screens or performing other tasks that require intense focus. This can put a lot of strain on our eyes, leading to headaches, dry eyes, and other discomforts. By placing a yoga eye pillow over your eyes, you can help to reduce this strain and promote relaxation.

Enhances Relaxation

The gentle pressure of a yoga eye pillow can help to promote relaxation by providing a sense of weight and support. This can help to quiet the mind and promote a sense of calm.

Aromatherapy Benefits

Many yoga eye pillows include herbs such as lavender, chamomile, or peppermint, which can provide additional aromatherapy benefits. These scents can help to soothe the mind and promote relaxation.

Helps to Relieve Stress

By promoting relaxation and reducing eye strain, a yoga eye pillow can help to relieve stress. This can have a number of positive benefits for both your physical and mental health.

Promotes Better Sleep

Using a yoga eye pillow before bed can help to promote better sleep by helping you to relax and unwind. This can lead to deeper, more restful sleep, which can have a number of positive benefits for your health.

Choosing the Right Yoga Eye Pillow

When choosing a yoga eye pillow, there are a few factors to consider. Here are some of the most important things to keep in mind:

Size and Shape

Yoga eye pillows come in a variety of sizes and shapes. Some are designed to fit over the eyes

only, while others may cover a larger area of the face. Consider what type of coverage you prefer and choose a pillow that fits your needs.


Yoga eye pillows are typically filled with materials such as flaxseed, rice, or other grains. Aquarian Bath pillows are made with USDA Organic flaxseed. Some may also include herbs for aromatherapy benefits. Aquarian Bath offers eye pillows with dried Organic Lavender or Spearmint. Consider what type of filling you prefer and choose a pillow that meets your needs.


If you  interested in the aromatherapy benefits of a yoga eye pillow, consider what type of scent you prefer. Lavender is a popular choice for promoting relaxation, while peppermint or eucalyptus may be better for boosting energy and focus.


Yoga eye pillows are typically made from soft, comfortable fabrics such as cotton or silk. Consider what type of fabric you prefer and choose a pillow that feels comfortable against your skin.

Tips for Using a Yoga Eye Pillow

Here are a few additional tips for getting the most out of your yoga eye pillow:

Use a Clean Pillow

Make sure your yoga eye pillow is clean before using it. If it is washable, follow the care instructions to keep it fresh and clean. 

Try Different Scents

If you are using a scented yoga eye pillow, try experimenting with different scents to find what works best for you. Some scents may be more soothing or energizing than others, so it's worth trying a few different options to see what you prefer.

Store Your Pillow Properly

When not in use, store your yoga eye pillow in a cool, dry place. This will help to prolong its lifespan and keep it fresh and clean.

Use Your Pillow During Savasana

One great time to use your yoga eye pillow is during savasana, the final relaxation pose in yoga. By placing the pillow over your eyes during this pose, you can help to deepen your sense of relaxation and calm.


Using a yoga eye pillow can be an excellent way to enhance your meditation practice and promote relaxation. Whether you are new to meditation or have been practicing for years, a yoga eye pillow can provide a gentle, soothing touch that can help to quiet the mind and promote a sense of calm. By choosing the right pillow and using it correctly, you can enjoy all of the benefits that this simple yet powerful tool has to offer.

Nataly Komova, fitness and nutritionist expert

Human Nutrition & Health, BSc Hons

Company: JustCBD
